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Step 1 Mock Exam

Full-length mock exam

280 questions with explanations

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Step 2 & Shelf Exams Qbank Bundle

5,500+ questions with explanations

8 Mock Shelf Exams Included

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From $225


Emergency Medicine Shelf Exam Qbank

500 questions with explanations

Mock Exam Included

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Family Medicine Shelf Exam Qbank

500 questions with explanations

Mock Exam Included

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General Surgery Shelf Exam Qbank

500 questions with explanations

Mock Exam Included

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Internal Medicine Shelf Exam Qbank

500 questions with explanations

Mock Exam Included

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Neurology Shelf Exam Qbank

500 questions with explanations

Mock Exam Included

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OB/GYN Shelf Exam Qbank

500 questions with explanations

Mock Exam Included

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Pediatrics Shelf Exam Qbank

500 questions with explanations

Mock Exam Included

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Psychiatry Shelf Exam Qbank

500 questions with explanations

Mock Exam Included

Powerful analytics



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Every question undergoes a rigorous 7-step review process to make sure it matches the pace of actual exam questions. You’ll feel confident and know what to expect come test day.

Detailed Explanations

Every question includes an expertly crafted explanation for both correct and incorrect answers to maximize your understanding of core concepts.

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We’ve built a question-taking experience that is the most representative of the actual USMLE and NBME interfaces so you’ll be familiar with the platform come test day.

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Stuck on a question? Correspond directly with our team of standby physicians when you need expert support. They’ll guide you through tricky topics and boost your confidence.

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Comprehensive explanations written and reviewed by physicians to reinforce core concepts.

Comprehensive Answers

Each question answer contains an in-depth explanation of the correct response as well as helpful commentary on why the other answer choices are incorrect.

Memorable Illustrations

All of our explanations are accompanied by at least one hand-crafted illustration designed to help you visualize key concepts in a different way.

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Every question has a reference from a textbook or major medical journal. You’ll always know where you can learn more.

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Stuck on a question? Correspond directly with our team of physicians and Qbank authors when you need expert support. They’ll guide you through tricky topics and boost your confidence.

You can contact our support team from wherever you are in the Qbank by using the intercom button on the lower right side of your screen.You can contact our support team from wherever you are in the Qbank by using the intercom button on the lower right side of your screen.

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Our team of physicians is constantly reviewing major medical society updates and incorporating the most recent data to ensure your Qbank questions reflect the latest guidelines.
With our Qbank, you get a question-taking experience that’s built to simulate today’s USMLE and NBME exams. By familiarizing yourself with the platform beforehand, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the real exam, minimizing stress on test day.
From multiple choice to image-based questions, you will have a comprehensive selection of question formats that closely match the topic distribution you’ll encounter on the actual exam.

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Step 2 & Shelf Exams Qbank

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